Key information

Information page Link here to full transcript

Where to find information

The Doctoral College: Arts and Humanities Faculty website should be your main source of information on regulations, guidance and procedure for postgraduate research degrees. We strongly encourage you to familiarise yourself with the information provided and to check for any updates to Regulations on a frequent basis.

Information about ethical approval

Guidance on research ethics and applying for ethical approval is available here:

Preparing to submit your thesis

When you are preparing to submit your thesis, it is important you submit the Notice of Intention to Submit form three months before your proposed submission form. The form is available here:

For general guidance on preparing your thesis for submission, please consult the Guidance on Thesis Submission for Postgraduate Research Degrees:

The Doctoral College: Arts and Humanities Faculty Community

As well as Doctoral College: Arts and Humanities Faculty Online, Doctoral College: Arts and Humanities Faculty also runs active Twitter and Instagram accounts. To stay up to date with the latest news, we strongly encourage you to follow these accounts. Please do tag the accounts in any relevant posts concerning your own research.

We use Moodle to communicate with all postgraduate researchers. Please double check you are registered for the Doctoral College: Arts and Humanities Faculty Moodle area (Researcher Development Workshops and Core Skills (1RDW0000). If you have any issues accessing this area, please contact Dr Francesca Brooks.

Useful contacts

Dr Anna Berquist
Head of Doctoral College: Arts and Humanities Faculty

Prof. Antony Rowland
Deputy Head of Doctoral College: Arts and Humanities Faculty

Dr Francesca Brooks
Doctoral College: Arts and Humanities Faculty Research Training Coordinator

If you have a question for which you cannot find the answer, please contact your Principal Supervisor, your Departmental Research Degree Coordinators, or the Doctoral College: Arts and Humanities Faculty.

For staff who support doctoral students

Guidance on Postgraduate Research supervision can be found here

For prospective applicants

If you’re thinking about doing a doctoral degree, we recommend doing the ‘So You’re Thinking of a PhD?’ short online intensive. It’s a free resource developed by a group of current Manchester Met PhD students that takes you through the process of doing a PhD from start to finish. You are also welcome to contact the Doctoral College: Arts and Humanities Faculty team to discuss your project proposal and to ask any questions about studying for a PhD with us. (Click here for contact details). Applications for a PhD are made through Departments.

Research Degree Fund 2024 – 2025

Arts and humanities research degree students (MA by Research and PhD) can apply for help with research costs to the Doctoral College: Arts and Humanities Faculty Research Degree Fund. This is a small fund and is restricted to activities directly related to the development of your research. 

Eligible costs are:

  1. Research costs e.g. visiting archives; exhibition materials
  2. Conference attendance (fee, travel, accommodation). 
  3. Attendance at courses, workshops, residencies etc.
  4. Group activities with other Arts and Humanities PhD researchers, including interdisciplinary workshops and events.

Funding will normally be up to £200. You are welcome to get in touch with the Doctoral College: Arts and Humanities Faculty team to ask whether your planned costs will be eligible for an award. 

We invite you to apply for an award within three windows advertised throughout the year. You can apply in any window for events and projects across the year, but the money must be spent by 1st July when receipts are due. 

The First Call opens on the 23rd September and closes on the 25th November 2024.

The Second Call opens on the 6th January and closes on the 28th March 2025.

The Third Call opens on the 5th May and closes on the 16th June 2025

Claim forms must be submitted, complete with appropriate receipts, by July 1st 2025.

Expense claim forms can be found under the Moodle tab for the Doctoral College: Arts and Humanities Faculty Research Degree Fund. Once an award has been offered, we will send you details of how to claim.

Please send the claim for payment as a Word document, along with receipts as attachments to A&H Research and Innovation team at within two weeks of the end of the activity or by July 1st 2025 if the activity takes place over the summer. 

Travel Insurance

The University provides worldwide travel insurance for members of staff on Manchester Met business and students travelling in connection with their programme of study (for example placements, exchange and field trips). You must register for Manchester Met travel insurance, even if you already have your own personal insurance policy. Further details and the travel insurance registration form are available from the Finance website.

You can also apply to the Doctoral College for help with such expenses. Details of this can be found in the PGR Hub on Moodle.

Apply now